Getting Started With Cash-flow Finance

Before we start your application, we need you to complete our quick eligibility check to find out if we can help you. It takes less than a minute, and will take you straight to the form if you qualify
Confirm my Eligiblity and Apply

Are you a limited company wishing to borrow at least £20,000?


Please confirm the impact of Covid-19 upon your business

Positive - We are trading profitably and above pre-Covid levels
Neutral - We are continuing to trade profitably at pre-Covid levels
Negatively - We are trading profitably, but below pre-Covid levels
Adversely - We are trading, but are no longer profitable
Closed - We are not trading at the present time

GREAT! It looks like we could help

Based on what you've told us, there is a good chance we can help you.


Seconds until you're redirected...

Sorry we can’t help you right now

You must be a limited company meeting our minimum finance requirements.
However you might qualify for other types of finance, or we may be able to help you in the future.

Please download our Funding Guide to learn more.



Sorry we can’t help you right now

Unfortunately your business will not meet lenders viability requirements.
However we may be able to help you in the future.

Please download our Funding Guide to learn more.


Please Note: If you are eligible, you will be redirected to our application page at the end of the check. Please Note: To help us help you, we need to know whether you can provide certain financial documents.